||<100% bgcolor="#FFFF99">'''Using a field-map to undistort EPIs'''<
>[[FmPower|Improvement in power!]]<
>[[FmFieldmaps|Acquiring fieldmaps]]<
>[[FmRequirements|What you'll need to undistort an EPI data series]]<
>[[FmReference|Guide and reference]]<
>[[FmExample|Step-by-step example]]<
>[[FmBatch|Batch mode]]||
== Download ==
=== What software you'll need ===
SPM 99 or above
If you are using Bruker format input files, a Perl interpreter (e.g, from cygwin.com)
If you wish to compile the code, you'll need Perl and gcc or cxx, or a love of the joy of programming.
=== What data you'll need ===
Field maps (see 'Acquiring fieldmaps' above)
Echo planar functional data in Analyze format
=== Licensing ===
If you are an academic user you may download this software for free immediately: please first download a [[http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/~rhodri/undistortion_source_licence2007.pdf|license form]]. Before you download the software, please sign and return two copies of the appropriate form.
If you are a commercial user please email rhodri.cusack@mrc.cbu.cam.ac.uk
=== Download version 3.03 ===
[[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/downloads/fmu/fmu_siemens_exampledataset.tar|Siemens example dataset (2MB)]]
[[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/downloads/fmu/fmu_exampledataset.tar|Bruker Example dataset (111MB)]]
[[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/downloads/fmu/fmu_v3p03_solaris.tar|Sun (solaris) (4MB)]]
[[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/downloads/fmu/fmu_v3p03_linux.tar|Linux (Red Hat) (4MB)]]
[[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/downloads/fmu/fmu_v3p03_windows.tar|Windows (4MB)]]
[[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/downloads/fmu/fmu_v3p03_withsrc.tar|Source code (all platforms, requires Perl, and either GCC or MS Visual Studio or CXX) (17MB)]]