SYNOPSIS [options] input_file.zil


-help          print help message and quit
    -man           full documentation and quit
    -verbose       more messages, more detailed help output
    -quiet         no messages during operation
    -clobber       overwrite preexisting files
    -rtf           specify input rtf file
    -subject       one or more subjects to convert
    -all           convert all subjects 
    -outdir        directory to output files
    -outroot       root name of files to output 
    -pdelay        time (ms) from start of scan to pulse
    -tr            TR (usually calculated)
    -esttr         starting guess for TR if calculated
    -limit         margin by which estimated TR may be incorrect
    -tol           allowable error in ms for estimated TR
    -misstrs       TRs to miss (any spacebar events, preceding pulses)
    -dummies       dummy scans
    -scanpulses    strings defining scan pulse events
    -respstrs      strings defining responses
    -omititem      item numbers to omit
    -nullval       string to signal null value
    -version       returns version no