Pre-processing MRI Data in Freesurfer:
- mri_convert
- recon-all
- mne_watershed_bem
- mne_setup_mri
Prepare Source Space (Cortical Surface) for MNE:
- mne_setup_source_space
Align MEG and MRI coordinate systems:
- mne_analyze
Set Up BEM Information for MNE:
- mne_setup_forward_model
- mne_do_forward_solution
Average MEG Data, Compute Covariance Matrix:
- mne_process_raw
Compute Average Cortical Surface:
- make_average_subject
Create Inverse Operator (from Forward Solution):
- mne_do_inverse_operator
Compute Source Estimates (Apply Inverse Operator to MEG data):
- mne_make_movie
- mne_average_estimates
- mne_make_movie