For publications of a particular research or project please follow the links above.
Examples of EEG publications that contain contributions from the CBU EEG community (the list is not exhaustive):
Hauk, O., Coutout, C., Holden, A., & Chen, Y. (2012). The time-course of single-word reading: Evidence from fast behavioral and brain responses. Neuroimage, 60(2):1462-77.
Shtyrov Y. Fast mapping of novel word forms traced neurophysiologically. Frontiers in Psychology 2:340. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00340, 2011.
Shtyrov Y. Neural bases of rapid word learning. The Neuroscientist, doi: 10.1177/1073858411420299 [e-pub ahead of print], 2011.
Pulvermüller F., Kiff J., Shtyrov Y. Can language-action links explain language laterality? An ERP study of perceptual and articulatory learning of novel pseudowords. Cortex, doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2011.02.006 [e-pub ahead of print], 2011.
Alexandrov A., Boricheva D., Pulvermüller F., Shtyrov Y. Strength of word-specific neural memory traces assessed electrophysiologically. PLOS One. 6(8): e22999. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022999, 2011.
Shtyrov Y, Kimppa L., Pulvermüller F., Kujala T. Event-related potentials reflecting the frequency of unattended spoken words: A neuronal index of connection strength in lexical memory circuits? Neuroimage, 55:658-668, 2011.
Shtyrov Y, Nikulin V., Pulvermüller F. Neurophysiological correlates of rapid word learning in the brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(50):16864-7, 2010.
Shtyrov Y. Automaticity and attentional control in spoken language processing: neurophysiological evidence. Mental Lexicon, 5(2):255-276, 2010.
Shtyrov Y., Pulvermüller F., Kujala, T. Interaction between language and attention systems: early automatic lexical processing? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(7):1465-78, 2010
Vestergaard MD, Háden GP, Shtyrov Y, Patterson RD, Pulvermüller F, Denham SL, Sziller I, Winkler I. Auditory size-deviant detection in adults and newborn infants. Biological Psychology, 82(2):169-75, 2009.
Bediou, B., Eimer, M., d'Amato, T., Hauk, O., Calder, A.J. (2009). In the eye of the beholder: Individual differences in reward-drive modulate early frontocentral ERPs to angry faces. Neuropsychologia, 47(3), 825-834.
Boudelaa, S., Pulvermüller, F., Hauk, O., Shtyrov, Y., Marslen-Wilson, W.D. (2009). Arabic morphology in the neural language system: A mismatch negativity study. J Cogn Neurosci, 22(5), 998-1010.
Carlyon, R.P., Deeks, J., Shtyrov, Y., Grahn, J., Gockel, H., Hauk, O., & Pulvermüller, F. (2009). Changes in the perceived duration of a narrowband sound induced by a preceding stimulus. JEP:HPP, 35(6), 1898-1912.
Hauk, O., Pulvermüller, F., Ford, M., Marslen-Wilson, W. D., & Davis, M. H. (2008). Can I have a quick word? Early electrophysiological manifestations of psycholinguistic processes revealed by event-related regression analysis of the EEG. Biol Psychol.
Hauk, O., Patterson, K., Woollams, A., Cooper-Pye, E., Pulvermuller, F., & Rogers, T. T. (2007). How the camel lost its hump: the impact of object typicality on event-related potential signals in object decision. J Cogn Neurosci, 19(8), 1338-1353.
Hauk, O., Davis, M. H., Ford, M., Pulvermüller, F., & Marslen-Wilson, W. D. (2006). The time course of visual word recognition as revealed by linear regression analysis of ERP data. Neuroimage, 30(4), 1383-1400.
Hauk, O., Patterson, K., Woollams, A., Watling, L., Pulvermüller, F., & Rogers, T. T. (2006). [Q:] When would you prefer a SOSSAGE to a SAUSAGE? [A:] At about 100 msec. ERP correlates of orthographic typicality and lexicality in written word recognition. J Cogn Neurosci, 18(5), 818-832.
Hauk, O., Shtyrov, Y., & Pulvermüller, F. (2006). The sound of actions as reflected by mismatch negativity: rapid activation of cortical sensory-motor networks by sounds associated with finger and tongue movements. Eur J Neurosci, 23(3), 811-821.
Hauk, O., & Pulvermüller, F. (2004a). Effects of word length and frequency on the human event-related potential. Clinical Neurophysiology, 115(5), 1090-1103.
Hauk, O., & Pulvermüller, F. (2004b). Neurophysiological distinction of action words in the fronto-central cortex. Human Brain Mapping, 21(3), 191-201.
Henson, R. N., Mouchlianitis, E., Matthews, W. J., & Kouider, S. (2008). Electrophysiological correlates of masked face priming. Neuroimage, 40(2), 884-895.
Micheyl, C., Carlyon, R. P., Shtyrov, Y., Hauk, O., Dodson, T., & Pullvermuller, F. (2003). The neurophysiological basis of the auditory continuity illusion: a mismatch negativity study. J Cogn Neurosci, 15(5), 747-758.
Mohr, B., Endrass, T., Hauk, O., & Pulvermuller, F. (2007). ERP correlates of the bilateral redundancy gain for words. Neuropsychologia, 45(9), 2114-2124.
Moscoso del Prado Martin, F., Hauk, O., & Pulvermuller, F. (2006). Category specificity in the processing of color-related and form-related words: an ERP study. Neuroimage, 29(1), 29-37.
Penolazzi, B., Hauk, O., & Pulvermüller, F. (2007). Early semantic context integration and lexical access as revealed by event-related brain potentials. Biol Psychol, 74(3), 374-388.
Pulvermuller, F., Shtyrov, Y., Hasting, A. S., & Carlyon, R. P. (2008). Syntax as a reflex: neurophysiological evidence for early automaticity of grammatical processing. Brain Lang, 104(3), 244-253.
Pulvermuller, F., Hauk, O., Zohsel, K., Neininger, B., & Mohr, B. (2005). Therapy-related reorganization of language in both hemispheres of patients with chronic aphasia. Neuroimage, 28(2), 481-489.
Pulvermuller, F., Shtyrov, Y., Kujala, T., & Naatanen, R. (2004). Word-specific cortical activity as revealed by the mismatch negativity. Psychophysiology, 41(1), 106-112.
Pulvermüller, F., & Shtyrov, Y. (2003). Automatic processing of grammar in the human brain as revealed by the mismatch negativity. Neuroimage, 20(1), 159-172.
Shtyrov, Y., Hauk, O., & Pulvermüller, F. (2004). Distributed neuronal networks for encoding category-specific semantic information: the mismatch negativity to action words. Eur J Neurosci, 19(4), 1083-1092.
Shtyrov, Y., & Pulvermuller, F. (2002). Memory traces for inflectional affixes as shown by mismatch negativity. Eur J Neurosci, 15(6), 1085-1091.
Shtyrov, Y., & Pulvermüller, F. (2002). Neurophysiological evidence of memory traces for words in the human brain. Neuroreport, 13(4), 521-525.