= Course Material for COGNESTIC 2024 =
The Cognitive Neuroimaging Skills Training In Cambridge (COGNESTIC) is a 2-week course that provides researchers with training in state-of-the-art methods for reproducible and open neuroimaging analysis and related methods. You can find more information on the [[https://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/events/cognestic-2024/|COGNESTIC webpage]].
== Software Installation Instructions ==
Attendees must read and follow these [[attachment:COGNESTIC Preparation.pdf|pre-course preparations]].
== Essential Preparation Materials ==
You will find the course easier if you can study as much of the material below in advance (e.g, many of the videos below give the theory to the examples we will work through in the course). This section contains essential viewing; a second section contains less critical background, but which you might nonetheless find useful.
> <>
||||||~+'''Background to Open Science'''+~ <
> Rik Henson ||
||__Viewing__ ||[[https://youtu.be/kTVtc7kjVQg|Open Cognitive Neuroscience]] ||
> <>
||||||~+'''Primer on Python'''+~ <
> Kshipra Gurunandan ||