of IntroductionNeuroimagingLectures - Methods
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File Name                                            Modified              Size
2/                                             2021-02-09 20:31:32            0
2/practical_efficiency_examples.m              2018-02-08 10:57:18         1830
2/getptsNoDoubleClick.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:16        10458
2/pilab/                                       2020-02-18 18:43:08            0
2/pilab/CentroidGLM.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18         1902
2/pilab/MultiRSA.m                             2018-02-08 10:57:18          749
2/pilab/PearsonRSA.m                           2018-02-08 10:57:18          522
2/pilab/util/                                  2020-01-14 09:08:12            0
2/pilab/util/covdiag.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          624
2/pilab/util/permflipindices.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18         1713
2/pilab/util/datavec2mat.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18          614
2/pilab/util/bootindices.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18         1435
2/pilab/util/subres2groupres.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18         4167
2/pilab/util/coord2mat.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          657
2/pilab/util/corrpairs.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          229
2/pilab/util/matlabclass2spmnifti.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18          357
2/pilab/util/dcm2demographic.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18          707
2/pilab/util/vox2spm_mni.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18         1785
2/pilab/util/npermutek.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18         3911
2/pilab/util/datavec2nifti.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          384
2/pilab/util/allpairwisecontrasts.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18          533
2/pilab/util/spmevents2bids.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18         1893
2/pilab/util/matmean.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          154
2/pilab/util/matfun.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18          578
2/pilab/util/writebidsevents.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18          566
2/pilab/util/smoothdatavecs.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18          450
2/pilab/util/datamat2nifti.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          364
2/pilab/util/averagesearchlights.m             2018-02-08 10:57:18          655
2/pilab/util/kendall_a.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          537
2/pilab/util/permuteindices.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18         1034
2/pilab/GLM.m                                  2018-02-08 10:57:18        35063
2/pilab/PartialRankRSA.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          866
2/pilab/processing/                            2020-01-14 09:08:10            0
2/pilab/processing/RSAMetaProcessor.m          2018-02-08 10:57:18          811
2/pilab/processing/MetaProcessor.m             2018-02-08 10:57:18         1566
2/pilab/processing/SessionProcessor.m          2018-02-08 10:57:18         1941
2/pilab/processing/GLMConstructor.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18         1136
2/pilab/processing/runrois_serial.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18         1100
2/pilab/processing/GLMProcessor.m              2018-02-08 10:57:18         3276
2/pilab/processing/ConvGLMConstructor.m        2018-02-08 10:57:18          932
2/pilab/processing/Processor.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18         1476
2/pilab/processing/SecondLevelProcessor.m      2018-02-08 10:57:18         1270
2/pilab/processing/ROIPreProcessor.m           2018-02-08 10:57:18         1100
2/pilab/processing/runrois_spmd.m              2018-02-08 10:57:18         3595
2/pilab/processing/RSAConstructor.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18          850
2/pilab/processing/FunProcessor.m              2018-02-08 10:57:18         1312
2/pilab/processing/GLMMetaProcessor.m          2018-02-08 10:57:18         1030
2/pilab/processing/ROIProcessor.m              2018-02-08 10:57:18         4623
2/pilab/SplitMeanDiffRSA.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18          424
2/pilab/MeanRSA.m                              2018-02-08 10:57:18         1267
2/pilab/RSA.m                                  2018-02-08 10:57:18        16294
2/pilab/rsa/                                   2020-01-14 09:08:14            0
2/pilab/rsa/issplitdatardm.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          426
2/pilab/rsa/rdms_lindisc_configureprocess.m    2018-02-08 10:57:18         4807
2/pilab/rsa/ranktrans.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18         1307
2/pilab/rsa/upcastsplitrdm.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          993
2/pilab/rsa/rdm2fir.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18         1244
2/pilab/rsa/roidata2rdmvol.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18         2269
2/pilab/rsa/regulariserdms.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18         1711
2/pilab/rsa/vec2rdm.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18          710
2/pilab/rsa/rdmvecindices.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          800
2/pilab/rsa/isrdm.m                            2018-02-08 10:57:18         1138
2/pilab/rsa/roidata2rdmvol_lindisc_glmdenoise.m 2018-02-08 10:57:18         8877
2/pilab/rsa/asrdmvec.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          586
2/pilab/rsa/rdmsplitbyfir.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18         1080
2/pilab/rsa/resamplerdm.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18          556
2/pilab/rsa/asrdmmat.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          679
2/pilab/rsa/roidata2rdmvol_lindisc_searchselect.m 2018-02-08 10:57:18         8508
2/pilab/rsa/roidata_rsa.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18        11308
2/pilab/rsa/splitrdm.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          240
2/pilab/rsa/asrdmimage.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          518
2/pilab/rsa/spearmanvec.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18          645
2/pilab/rsa/ncon2ndis.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18          169
2/pilab/rsa/rdm2struct.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          281
2/pilab/rsa/rdmreproducibility.m               2018-02-08 10:57:18         1857
2/pilab/rsa/rdm2csv.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18          834
2/pilab/rsa/pearsonvec.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          752
2/pilab/rsa/roidata_lindisc.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18         5182
2/pilab/rsa/zerodiagonal.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18          216
2/pilab/rsa/rdm2vec.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18          465
2/pilab/rsa/roidata2rdmvol_lindisc_batch.m     2018-02-08 10:57:18         6030
2/pilab/CovariateGLM.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18         1834
2/pilab/ConvGLM.m                              2018-02-08 10:57:18         3039
2/pilab/RankRSA.m                              2018-02-08 10:57:18         1055
2/pilab/SplitRSA.m                             2018-02-08 10:57:18         3475
2/pilab/                              2018-02-08 10:57:18         8020
2/pilab/MeanDiffRSA.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18         1120
2/pilab/featureselection/                      2020-01-14 09:08:08            0
2/pilab/featureselection/Searchlight.m         2018-02-08 10:57:18         7920
2/pilab/featureselection/selectbysearchlight.m 2018-02-08 10:57:18         2375
2/pilab/featureselection/mask2searchrois.m     2018-02-08 10:57:18         2199
2/pilab/featureselection/epi2roitimecourse.m   2018-02-08 10:57:18          922
2/pilab/RidgeRSA.m                             2018-02-08 10:57:18          615
2/pilab/SplitRankRSA.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          326
2/pilab/SplitMeanRSA.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          399
2/pilab/visualisation/                         2020-01-14 09:08:10            0
2/pilab/visualisation/roidata2csv.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18         2803
2/pilab/visualisation/volumes2gifanimation.m   2018-02-08 10:57:18         1414
2/pilab/visualisation/plotshepard.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18         1113
2/pilab/visualisation/roidata2figure.m         2018-02-08 10:57:18        15827
2/pilab/inference/                             2020-01-14 09:08:12            0
2/pilab/inference/bootprctile.m                2018-02-08 10:57:18          682
2/pilab/inference/permpfwe.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18         1157
2/pilab/inference/sterr.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18          255
2/pilab/inference/permpfwe_varsmooth.m         2018-02-08 10:57:18         1406
2/pilab/inference/permpvalue.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18         1149
2/pilab/inference/nansterr.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          159
2/pilab/tutorials/                             2020-01-14 09:08:12            0
2/pilab/tutorials/pilab_demo3_dataimport.m     2018-02-08 10:57:18         2526
2/pilab/tutorials/pilab_demo1_rsquare.m        2018-02-08 10:57:18         2770
2/pilab/tutorials/pilab_demo3_dataimport.ipynb 2018-02-08 10:57:18       162004
2/pilab/tutorials/pilab_demo2_ldc.ipynb        2018-02-08 10:57:18        41523
2/pilab/tutorials/pilab_demo1_rsquare.ipynb    2018-02-08 10:57:18        89926
2/pilab/tutorials/pilab_demo2_ldc.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18         4956
2/pilab/PluginRSA.m                            2018-02-08 10:57:18         2128
2/pilab/containers/                            2020-01-14 09:08:14            0
2/pilab/containers/splitvol.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18         1250
2/pilab/containers/mreyelink2vol.m             2018-02-08 10:57:18         4586
2/pilab/containers/MrToolsVolume.m             2018-02-08 10:57:18         8804
2/pilab/containers/eyedata2vol.m               2018-02-08 10:57:18         5190
2/pilab/containers/spm2vol.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18         1735
2/pilab/containers/preprocessvols.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18         6668
2/pilab/containers/Volume.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18        19188
2/pilab/containers/loadmaskedvolumes.m         2018-02-08 10:57:18         1246
2/pilab/containers/smieye2vol.m                2018-02-08 10:57:18         8904
2/pilab/containers/intersectvols.m             2018-02-08 10:57:18         2148
2/pilab/containers/SPMVolume.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18         7197
2/pilab/containers/vox2mm.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          138
2/pilab/containers/mrtools2vol.m               2018-02-08 10:57:18         4534
2/pilab/containers/glmdenoise2spm.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18         1587
2/pilab/containers/MriVolume.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18         6868
2/pilab/SplitPluginRSA.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          442
2/pilab/glm/                                   2020-01-14 09:08:14            0
2/pilab/glm/array2glm.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18          824
2/pilab/glm/rdm2carryover.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18         1617
2/pilab/glm/vol2glm.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18          880
2/pilab/glm/convolveonsets.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18         2580
2/pilab/glm/spm2onsets.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18         1377
2/pilab/glm/spm2glm.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18         1399
2/pilab/glm/roidata2csv.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18         2938
2/pilab/glm/design2convglm.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          597
2/pilab/glm/ridgevec.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18         2267
2/pilab/glm/rsquare.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18          200
2/pilab/glm/designefficiency.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18          633
2/pilab/glm/glm2denoisepcs.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18         1327
2/pilab/glm/nifti2roidata.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          877
2/pilab/glm/DesignSpec.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18         2885
2/pilab/glm/olsfit.m                           2018-02-08 10:57:18          861
2/pilab/glm/vol2covdeg.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          923
2/pilab/glm/roidata_allpairwisecontrasts.m     2018-02-08 10:57:18          863
2/pilab/glm/disvol2glm.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          702
2/pilab/glm/findconind.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          662
2/pilab/glm/roidata_rfx.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18        17313
2/pilab/glm/projectout.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          425
2/pilab/glm/roidata_glm.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18         7167
2/pilab/glm/vif.m                              2018-02-08 10:57:18          887
2/pilab/base/                                  2020-01-14 09:08:40            0
2/pilab/base/Saveable.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18          639
2/pilab/DenoiseGLM.m                           2018-02-08 10:57:18         2993
2/pilab/RidgeGLM.m                             2018-02-08 10:57:18         1675
2/Class.csh                                    2020-01-10 12:32:02          556
2/johansmatlab/                                2020-01-14 09:08:38            0
2/johansmatlab/varargs2structfields.m          2018-02-08 10:57:18          808
2/johansmatlab/ascol.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          151
2/johansmatlab/loadbetter.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          640
2/johansmatlab/upcastindices.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18          510
2/johansmatlab/renamefield.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          228
2/johansmatlab/ieNotDefined.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18         1341
2/johansmatlab/imtrim.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18          893
2/johansmatlab/struct2obj.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18         1979
2/johansmatlab/withoutnan.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18           66
2/johansmatlab/expandbackground.m              2018-02-08 10:57:18         1765
2/johansmatlab/iseven.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18          231
2/johansmatlab/count_unique.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18         4325
2/johansmatlab/nuniquereturns.m                2018-02-08 10:57:18         1515
2/johansmatlab/inrange.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          304
2/johansmatlab/blkinds.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          746
2/johansmatlab/indexdim.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18          857
2/johansmatlab/repinds.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          141
2/johansmatlab/DataHash.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18        15429
2/johansmatlab/indexstructbyfield.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18          289
2/johansmatlab/unitlen.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          199
2/johansmatlab/seteccentricity.m               2018-02-08 10:57:18          195
2/johansmatlab/makecircle.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          275
2/johansmatlab/fixBadChars.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18         2611
2/johansmatlab/emptystruct.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          839
2/johansmatlab/prefix.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18          273
2/johansmatlab/namepath.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18          336
2/johansmatlab/asrow.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          149
2/johansmatlab/transfermatrix.m                2018-02-08 10:57:18          219
2/johansmatlab/isselfcall.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          383
2/johansmatlab/ismat.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          164
2/johansmatlab/stripbadcharacters.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18          488
2/johansmatlab/raddiff.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          218
2/johansmatlab/morphonsphere.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18         2468
2/johansmatlab/rescale.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          574
2/johansmatlab/randhyperspherepoint.m          2018-02-08 10:57:18          489
2/johansmatlab/obj2struct.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18         1864
2/johansmatlab/collapsestruct.m                2018-02-08 10:57:18         1084
2/johansmatlab/cellArray.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18          961
2/johansmatlab/fdr_bh.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18         9039
2/johansmatlab/zcat.m                          2018-02-08 10:57:18          220
2/johansmatlab/uniquen.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          322
2/johansmatlab/r2p.m                           2018-02-08 10:57:18          184
2/johansmatlab/ind2logical.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          354
2/johansmatlab/README                          2018-02-08 10:57:18           30
2/johansmatlab/morph.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          771
2/johansmatlab/angdist.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          449
2/johansmatlab/sqsigned.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18          123
2/johansmatlab/interpolatemissing.m            2018-02-08 10:57:18         1238
2/johansmatlab/stripextension.m                2018-02-08 10:57:18          779
2/johansmatlab/meandist.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18          277
2/johansmatlab/blkfun.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18          912
2/johansmatlab/genpath_exclude.m               2018-02-08 10:57:18         2866
2/johansmatlab/setifunset.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          785
2/johansmatlab/dprime.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18          809
2/johansmatlab/rotatepoints.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18          689
2/johansmatlab/pushonsphere.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18         2498
2/johansmatlab/medianfilter.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18          535
2/johansmatlab/structdata2class.m              2018-02-08 10:57:18         1276
2/johansmatlab/findprecision.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18          803
2/johansmatlab/getArgs.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18         7937
2/johansmatlab/varsize.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          250
2/johansmatlab/dirbetter.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18         2688
2/johansmatlab/dimindices.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          566
2/johansmatlab/mkdirifneeded.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18         1329
2/johansmatlab/sqrtsigned.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          349
2/johansmatlab/npairs2n.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18          183
2/johansmatlab/anovan_rmwrap.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18         1433
2/johansmatlab/areaundercurve.m                2018-02-08 10:57:18          790
2/johansmatlab/columns2file.m                  2018-02-08 10:57:18         1628
2/johansmatlab/bindata.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          373
2/johansmatlab/iscol.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          165
2/johansmatlab/bindata_prc.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          629
2/johansmatlab/isodd.m                         2018-02-08 10:57:18          230
2/johansmatlab/anovan_exportcsv.m              2018-02-08 10:57:18          413
2/johansmatlab/varargparse.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18         2902
2/johansmatlab/angvec.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18          552
2/johansmatlab/raddist.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          445
2/johansmatlab/deepcopy.m                      2018-02-08 10:57:18          713
2/johansmatlab/sigmoidlike.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          353
2/johansmatlab/overlapdist.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          267
2/johansmatlab/distorigin.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          214
2/johansmatlab/justcat.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18         1340
2/johansmatlab/absmeandist.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          276
2/johansmatlab/randpermlocal.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18          450
2/johansmatlab/rebuildobj.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18         1644
2/johansmatlab/ceilfix.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          272
2/johansmatlab/diagind.m                       2018-02-08 10:57:18          371
2/johansmatlab/movingaverage.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18          650
2/johansmatlab/structfields2varargs.m          2018-02-08 10:57:18          368
2/johansmatlab/ind2subbetter.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18          392
2/johansmatlab/strfindcell.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18         1255
2/johansmatlab/reduceprecision.m               2018-02-08 10:57:18          466
2/johansmatlab/table2csv.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18         6109
2/johansmatlab/hasparpool.m                    2018-02-08 10:57:18          286
2/johansmatlab/catstruct.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18         4562
2/johansmatlab/polydetrend.m                   2018-02-08 10:57:18          196
2/johansmatlab/dirmostrecent.m                 2018-02-08 10:57:18          460
2/johansmatlab/logstr.m                        2018-02-08 10:57:18         1233
2/test_orthogonalisation.m                     2018-02-08 10:57:18          930
2/practical_efficiency.m                       2021-02-09 20:31:32         3282

Attached Files

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  • [get | view] (2016-04-12 17:07:20, 335.2 KB) [[attachment:1_aa_Intro.pdf]]
  • [get | view] (2016-04-12 17:07:27, 2586.2 KB) [[attachment:2_aa_4.3.pdf]]
  • [get | view] (2016-04-12 17:07:34, 110.4 KB) [[attachment:3_aa_5.pdf]]
  • [get | view] (2016-04-12 17:08:03, 181.2 KB) [[attachment:4_aa_Coding_MEG.pdf]]
  • [get | view] (2016-04-12 17:07:40, 223.8 KB) [[attachment:4_aa_Coding_MRI.pdf]]
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  • [get | view] (2017-02-07 14:38:56, 2780.2 KB) [[attachment:5_fMRI_preprocessing.pdf]]
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  • [get | view] (2017-02-15 12:42:21, 1355.3 KB) [[attachment:6_fMRI_GLM.pdf]]
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  • [get | view] (2016-05-06 16:54:48, 3286.5 KB) [[attachment:CBUTraining_Henson_Multimodal2_May16.pdf]]
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  • [get | view] (2020-01-30 12:35:07, 2377.9 KB) [[attachment:Graph theory seminar 30Jan2020.pdf]]
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  • [get | view] (2018-02-19 15:00:57, 3604.0 KB) [[attachment:Olaf EEGMEG1 19Feb18.pdf]]
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  • [get | view] (2018-04-03 14:55:43, 2875.9 KB) [[attachment:Zoefel_brain_stimulation2018.pdf]]
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