RepositoryStructure - Methods

Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name
Type the missing letters from: He's no ded, he's jus resing hs eys

Revision 2 as of 2008-05-22 11:49:22

location: RepositoryStructure

Repository structure

After a little discussion, I think we have come to the following conclusion.

Each project will have its own repository.

For example:


This allows each project to have its own revision numbers, tags (=version numbers) and so on.

Projects that we can immediately think of are:

  • aa
  • aameg
  • spm_eeglab
  • electrictools - Olaf's EEG/MEG utilities
  • megcheck - Olaf's MEG diagnostics
  • dti
  • cbuutils
  • spm5_cbu_updates
  • spm8_cbu_updates - in due course

We'll deal with the excellent idea of allowing full recreation of the CBU code system as of a particular date with scripts:

# Recreate system as of given date
cd $my_dir
svn co aa --revision {$my_date}
svn co aa --revision {$my_date}
# and so on

Next step, if we all agree, is for Matthew to push the repositories around to make it so.

MatthewBrett, RhodriCusack, OlafHauk, JasonTaylor