= Repository structure = After a little discussion, I think we have come to the following conclusion. Each project will have its own repository. For example: * http://imaging.cam.ac.uk/svn/aa/aa * http://imaging.cam.ac.uk/svn/spm_eeglab/spm_eeglab * http://imaging.cam.ac.uk/svn/aameg/aameg * http://imaging.cam.ac.uk/svn/spm5_cbu_updates/spm5_cbu_updates etc. This allows each project to have its own revision numbers, tags (=version numbers) and so on. Projects that we can immediately think of are: * aa * aameg * spm_eeglab * electrictools - Olaf's EEG/MEG utilities * megcheck - Olaf's MEG diagnostics * dti * cbuutils * spm5_cbu_updates * spm8_cbu_updates - in due course We'll deal with the excellent idea of allowing full recreation of the CBU code system as of a particular date with scripts: {{{ #/bin/sh # Recreate system as of given date my_dir=/some/path my_date=2008-10-05 cd $my_dir svn co http://imaging.cam.ac.uk/svn/aa/aa/trunk aa --revision {$my_date} svn co http://imaging.cam.ac.uk/svn/spm_eeglab/spm_eeglab/trunk aa --revision {$my_date} # and so on }}} - see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch03s03.html for how to use date checkouts with subversion. MatthewBrett, RhodriCusack, OlafHauk, JasonTaylor