PageHits - CBU MRI facility Wiki

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This ranking shows how often a page was requested since logging began. It provides just a dumb counter, i.e., every single page request counts as one hit.

  1. 319236 HelpContents
  2. 103717 CbuMriFacility
  3.  58142 HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar
  4.  47238 CbuStimulusDelivery
  5.  45313 MoinMoin
  6.  21627 FrontPage
  7.  21054 VolunteerForScan
  8.  16134 TrainingCourses
  9.  12787 CbuGroup
  10.  12094 FacilityInformation
  11.  11699 RecentChanges
  12.  11246 RunningStudies
  13.  10455 TitleIndex
  14.  10375 ImagingSequences
  15.  10161 ScanSchedule
  16.  10001 FindPage
  17.   9707 HealthAndSafety
  18.   7875 ContactUs
  19.   7869 GoodGroup
  20.   7703 CambridgeGroup
  21.   7234 RandomPage
  22.   6800 WikiCourse/21 Macros
  23.   6717 UsingThisWiki
  24.   6048 ExternalPreparingYourStudy
  25.   5993 CbuPreparingYourStudy
  26.   5752 WordIndex
  27.   5749 ScannerSynch
  28.   4831 HelpOnFormatting
  29.   4485 EthicsApproval
  30.   3819 OnTheDayOfScanning
  31.   3645 WhichScanner
  32.   3443 PageHits
  33.   3428 RunPetStudies
  34.   3324 HelpOnPackageInstaller
  35.   3301 MartinMonti
  36.   3189 PetAdminIssues
  37.   3069 ScannerDetails
  38.   3052 PageSize
  39.   2986 WantedPages
  40.   2795 RunningStudiesComputing
  41.   2790 RhodriCusack
  42.   2779 GettingApproval
  43.   2715 HelpOnSearching
  44.   2685 TipsForSuccessfulScanning
  45.   2652 WikiWord
  46.   2639 BarneyDunn
  47.   2619 HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie
  48.   2579 AdminGroup
  49.   2571 HelpOnNavigation
  50.   2568 HelpOnMacros
  51.   2556 RunningHelp
  52.   2526 DannyMitchell
  53.   2517 ChristianSchwarzbauer
  54.   2514 AbandonedPages
  55.   2498 BookingScannerSlots
  56.   2483 ExternalRecruitVolunteers
  57.   2481 DanielBor
  58.   2479 LucilleMurby
  59.   2473 OlafHauk
  60.   2463 WbicStimulusDelivery
  61.   2431 ExternalStudyReview
  62.   2422 OrphanedPages
  63.   2400 YuryShtyrov
  64.   2396 ExternalPreparingYourStudyWiki
  65.   2255 RikHenson
  66.   2246 ExternalProjectLogging
  67.   2239 MatthewBrett
  68.   2220 ImageOrientation
  69.   2207 FriedemannPulvermuller
  70.   2119 ScannerAccess
  71.   2106 HelpOnConfiguration
  72.   2043 MriSafetyPresentation
  73.   2022 CbuPreparingYourStudyWiki
  74.   1884 IanNimmoSmith
  75.   1847 CbuInterwikiNames
  76.   1790 MarkStokes
  77.   1769 HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax
  78.   1656 MarionOrmandy
  79.   1641 BadContent
  80.   1628 CbuMriFacility/AdminGroup
  81.   1610 TestPage
  82.   1608 CambridgeGoodGroup
  83.   1590 MakingHomePages
  84.   1567 HelpOnCreoleSyntax
  85.   1505 InterWiki
  86.   1473 WikiWikiWeb
  87.   1461 WikiName
  88.   1448 HelpOnUserHandling
  89.   1437 HelpOnParsers
  90.   1434 WikiCourse
  91.   1433 HelpForBeginners
  92.   1427 HelpOnLinking
  93.   1423 HelpOnAdministration
  94.   1397 WikiCourse/17 External links
  95.   1261 HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport
  96.   1176 HelpOnUserPreferences
  97.   1129 HelpOnAuthentication
  98.   1128 HelpOnProcessingInstructions
  99.   1125 WikiCourseHandOut
  100.   1102 FortuneCookies
  101.   1089 HelpIndex
  102.   1079 HelpOnLanguages
  103.   1077 CategoryHomepage
  104.    998 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText
  105.    987 HelpOnCategories
  106.    971 CategoryCategory
  107.    949 HelpOnTables
  108.    928 HelpOnEditing
  109.    903 HelpForUsers
  110.    827 HelpOnXapian
  111.    816 HelpOnThemes
  112.    806 HelpOnNotification
  113.    775 HelpOnSessions
  114.    772 HelpOnSpellCheck
  115.    760 HelpOnXmlPages
  116.    742 EventStats
  117.    731 HelpOnGraphicalEditor
  118.    706 HelpOnUpdatingPython
  119.    696 WikiHomePage
  120.    692 LanguageSetup
  121.    688 WikiCourse/07 The text editor
  122.    678 HomepageTemplate
  123.    667 WikiSandBox
  124.    638 HelpOnDictionaries
  125.    628 HelpOnImages
  126.    620 CategoryTemplate
  127.    611 HelpOnAccessControlLists
  128.    603 HelpOnActions
  129.    601 HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection
  130.    600 HelpOnDrawings
  131.    589 HelpOnPageDeletion
  132.    588 HelpOnMoinCommand
  133.    581 HelpOnPageCreation
  134.    569 HelpOnSpam
  135.    555 HelpOnSlideShows
  136.    549 HelpOnLists
  137.    544 HelpOnActions/AttachFile
  138.    539 HelpOnSynchronisation
  139.    521 SlideShowTemplate
  140.    521 HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump
  141.    521 HelpOnEditLocks
  142.    520 HelpOnSuperUser
  143.    505 HelpOnMacros/MailTo
  144.    499 HelpOnComments
  145.    497 HelpTemplate
  146.    497 HelpOnSubscribing
  147.    492 HelpOnTemplates
  148.    489 HelpOnRules
  149.    488 HelpOnEditing/SubPages
  150.    481 MissingHomePage
  151.    473 HelpOnSmileys
  152.    471 HelpOnAutoAdmin
  153.    468 SlideTemplate
  154.    465 HelpOnMacros/Include
  155.    461 HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction
  156.    459 WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?
  157.    448 WikiCourse/19 Symbols
  158.    447 HelpOnHeadlines
  159.    431 WikiCourse/18 Attachments
  160.    428 SlideShowHandOutTemplate
  161.    426 HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage
  162.    423 WikiCourse/12 Headlines
  163.    423 HelpOnOpenIDProvider
  164.    422 HelpOnGroups
  165.    421 WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage
  166.    418 WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys
  167.    417 HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences
  168.    411 WikiCourse/13 Lists
  169.    402 XsltVersion
  170.    402 WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account
  171.    402 HelpOnVariables
  172.    400 WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette
  173.    400 WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links
  174.    397 HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks
  175.    395 WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date
  176.    391 WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content
  177.    389 HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides
  178.    386 WikiCourse/02 Finding information
  179.    385 WikiCourse/51 Applications
  180.    380 WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs
  181.    380 HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy
  182.    378 HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation
  183.    377 HelpOnLogin
  184.    374 WikiCourse/15 Tables
  185.    373 WikiCourse/14 Text styles
  186.    371 WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki
  187.    371 WikiCourse/05 User preferences
  188.    358 WikiCourse/23 Actions
  189.    356 WikiCourse/22 Parsers
  190.    355 CamelCase
  191.    354 EventStats/HitCounts
  192.    352 WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup
  193.    351 HelpOnAdmonitions
  194.    350 MissingPage
  195.    349 HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject
  196.    347 WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor
  197.    340 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer
  198.    338 WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages
  199.    330 HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments
  200.    328 SyncJobTemplate
  201.    297 WikiTipOfTheDay
  202.    297 EventStats/UserAgents
  203.    285 HomepagePrivatePageTemplate
  204.    279 HomepageGroupsTemplate
  205.    271 HomepageReadWritePageTemplate
  206.    260 EventStats/Languages
  207.    252 HomepageReadPageTemplate