Using R to compute A (aprime) and b diagnostics in Zhang, J., & Mueller, S. T. (2005) for evaluating ROC diagnostics nonparametrically
(Copied from the weblink)
A <-function(h,f) { if(f<=.5 & h>=.5) { a <- .75 + (h-f)/4 - f*(1-h) } else if(f<=h & h<=.5) { a <- .75 + (h-f)/4 - f/(4*h) } else { a <- .75 + (h-f)/4 - (1-h)/(4 * (1-f)) } return(a) } b <- function(h,f) { if(f<=.5 & h>=.5) { b <-(5-4*h)/(1+4*f) } else if(f<=h & h<=.5) { b <-(h^2+h)/(h^2+f) } else { b <- ((1-f)^2 + (1-h))/((1-f)^2 + (1-f)) } return(b) }
Zhang, J., & Mueller, S. T. (2005). A note on ROC analysis and non-parametric estimate of sensitivity. Psychometrika, 70(1), 203–212. doi:10.1007/s11336-003-1119-8