Diff for "StatsCourse2009" - CBU statistics Wiki
location: Diff for "StatsCourse2009"
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Revision 3 as of 2009-10-07 21:53:41
Size: 2100
Revision 25 as of 2012-07-06 10:58:41
Size: 502
Editor: ks203878
Comment: :Even the paid deniers have given up sanyig that it's not warming First of all there are no paid deniers but there is no-one except you with you strawman arguments even suggesting it didn't warm last
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= Statistical Methods for Cognitive Psychologists =
=== Michaelmas 2009 ===
 * '''Level'''
  * This is a course planned with the needs in mind of a graduate student starting as a PhD student at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences and related institutions. It will in addition be open to others e.g. research assistants, junior scientists, visitors.
 * '''Style'''
  * The presentation will be as fairly formal lectures, each aiming
   * to outline a particular class of methods
   * to give examples of it being applied to realistic situations
   * to indicate how to implement it using software available at CBU
 * '''Location'''
  * Lectures, apart from the first, will take place in the '''CBU Lecture Theatre''' on '''Thursdays''' '''from 11 am till 12 noon''' and are being given by IanNimmoSmith and PeterWatson who will welcome any feedback.
''Links to '''updated''' Power``Point and PDF files of the lecture notes are being added'' ''during the progress of the course''.

 * A synopsis of the lectures is [:Synopsis2008:here].
 * Lecture notes from last year's course are available [:StatsCourse2008Slides:here].
||<tablewidth="797px" tableheight="424px">'''Date''' ||'''Lecturer''' ||'''Topic''' ||
||08-Oct-09'''''' ||Ian Nimmo-Smith ||The anatomy of statistical methods: models, hypotheses, significance and power ||
||15-Oct-09 ||Peter Watson ||Exploratory Data Analysis ||
||22-Oct-09 ||Peter Watson ||Simple and multiple linear regression ||
||29-Oct-09 ||Ian Nimmo-Smith ||The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance ||
||05-Nov-09 ||Ian Nimmo-Smith ||Categorical Data Analysis ||
||12-Nov-09 ||Peter Watson ||ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies ||
||19-Nov-09 ||Peter Watson ||Power analysis ||
||26-Nov-09 ||Ian Nimmo-Smith ||Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA ||
||03-Dec-09 ||Peter Watson ||Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that ||
||10-Dec-09 ||Ian Nimmo-Smith ||Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions ||
:Even the paid deniers have given up sanyig that it's not warming First of all there are no paid deniers but there is no-one except you with you strawman arguments even suggesting it didn't warm last century while recovering from the little ice age a bond event. Tell us all why it's warmed since ~1980 Remember that cooling spell from the 40s -> late 70s another cyclic even related to Gleisberg cycles it is recovery from that. Climate change is cyclic get used to it.

:Even the paid deniers have given up sanyig that it's not warming First of all there are no paid deniers but there is no-one except you with you strawman arguments even suggesting it didn't warm last century while recovering from the little ice age a bond event. Tell us all why it's warmed since ~1980 Remember that cooling spell from the 40s -> late 70s another cyclic even related to Gleisberg cycles it is recovery from that. Climate change is cyclic get used to it.


None: StatsCourse2009 (last edited 2013-03-08 10:17:16 by localhost)