This is what lies under the TASKS button at the right hand top corner of the SPM Graphics window.
- Slice Timing
- Realign
- Estimate
- Estimate and Reslice
- Reslice
- Realign and Unwarp
- Coreg
- Estimate
- Estimate and Reslice
- Reslice
- Segment
- Normalise
- Estimate
- Write
- Estimate and Write
- Smooth
These all eventually call on the core SPM routines like spm_fmri_spm_ui.m and spm_spm.m. What they help to do is clear a template with place holders which need to be filled in before the job can be run.
- fMRI model specification
- fMRI model specification (design only)
- fMRI data specification
- Factorial design specification
- Model estimation
- Contrast manager
- Display Image
- Check Registration
- Image Calculator
- DICOM Import
- MINC Import
- Create Rendering/Surface
- Execute Batch Jobs
- Change Directory
- Make Directory
- Move Files
- Deformations
- 3D to 4D
- Sendmail
- High-Dimensional Warping
This allows you to create a chain of jobs. It's not yet clear to me if there is a natural (implicit) was of getting appropriate output of each job picked up by relevant ones that follow it and are dependent on those earlier stages.
This is a vanilla set of tasks.
This offers a step-through sequential menu prompting for the parameters of the selected task.