SpmBatch5 - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki

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Batch for SPM5

Actually, batch for SPM5 is very similar to SpmBatch2, with the big exception that you can now save analyses in the GUI to a batch definition file, that can repeat the analysis, and be edited to adapt to another subject or slightly different parameters.

Nonetheless, if you want to continue working directly with Matlab scripts of calls to spm functions, here are some examples (NB we will not be held responsible for any errors!):

More scripts for EEG/MEG preprocessing and source localisation (particularly for the CBU EEG/MEG machines) can be found here: http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/meg/SpmAnalysis

[Some of these scripts are .tar.tar, so from the unix shell you need to rename the file .tar.gz, unzip with gunzip (gunzip [file]), then extract them (tar -xf [file]).]

CbuImaging: SpmBatch5 (last edited 2013-03-18 23:57:06 by RussellThompson)