HiSpeedEyeTracker - Meg Wiki
location: HiSpeedEyeTracker

Hi-speed eye tracker

This is a contact system that will allow frequencies of up to 1250 Hz for monocular eye tracking and 500 Hz for binocular tracking. The Hi-speed system is extremely precise and reliable, but requires the subject to put their head on a chin rest. It's be the system of choice for demanding applications, such as reading research.

Set-up times with the hi-speed tracker are a bit longer than with the RED, as there are more controls to adjust. It also requires more knowledge and experience.

The Hi-Speed eye tracker is installed in the CBU Eye Tracking Lab in room 443. It sits on a table that can be height adjusted at the touch of a button, for optimal flexibility and comfort.


CbuMeg: HiSpeedEyeTracker (last edited 2015-01-30 09:16:38 by MaartenVanCasteren)