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location: FAQ / ESDtest

R code to implement the extreme studentised deviate (ESD) test

Code taken from here.

This test is a more robust form of the sequential Grubb's test which tests for a single outlier each time, either deleting the outlier and reapplying until no more outliers are found.

R commands and output:

## Input data.
y = c(-0.25, 0.68, 0.94, 1.15, 1.20, 1.26, 1.26,
       1.34, 1.38, 1.43, 1.49, 1.49, 1.55, 1.56,
       1.58, 1.65, 1.69, 1.70, 1.76, 1.77, 1.81,
       1.91, 1.94, 1.96, 1.99, 2.06, 2.09, 2.10,
       2.14, 2.15, 2.23, 2.24, 2.26, 2.35, 2.37,
       2.40, 2.47, 2.54, 2.62, 2.64, 2.90, 2.92,
       2.92, 2.93, 3.21, 3.26, 3.30, 3.59, 3.68,
       4.30, 4.64, 5.34, 5.42, 6.01)

## Generate normal probability plot.

## Create function to compute the test statistic.
rval = function(y){
       ares = abs(y - mean(y))/sd(y)
       df = data.frame(y, ares)
       r = max(df$ares)
       list(r, df)}

## Define values and vectors.
n = length(y)
alpha = 0.05
lam = c(1:10)
R = c(1:10)

## Compute test statistic until r=10 values have been
## removed from the sample.
for (i in 1:10){

rt = rval(y)
R[i] = unlist(rt[1])
df = data.frame(rt[2])
newdf = df[df$ares!=max(df$ares),]}

else if(i!=1){
rt = rval(newdf$y)
R[i] = unlist(rt[1])
df = data.frame(rt[2])
newdf = df[df$ares!=max(df$ares),]}

## Compute critical value.
p = 1 - alpha/(2*(n-i+1))
t = qt(p,(n-i-1))
lam[i] = t*(n-i) / sqrt((n-i-1+t**2)*(n-i+1))

## Print results.
newdf = data.frame(c(1:10),R,lam)
names(newdf)=c("No. Outliers","Test Stat.", "Critical Val.")

For this example, the largest number of outliers for which the test statistic is greater than the critical value (at the 5 % level) is three. We therefore conclude that there are three outliers in this data set which correspond to the three largest values of abs(y-mean(y)).

##>    No. Outliers Test Stat. Critical Val.
##> 1             1   3.118906      3.158794
##> 2             2   2.942973      3.151430
##> 3             3   3.179424      3.143890
##> 4             4   2.810181      3.136165
##> 5             5   2.815580      3.128247
##> 6             6   2.848172      3.120128
##> 7             7   2.279327      3.111796
##> 8             8   2.310366      3.103243
##> 9             9   2.101581      3.094456
##> 10           10   2.067178      3.085425

The three outliers are the observations which have the three largest absolute deviations from the variable mean which we can compute as below.


You may consider to replace the outlier value(s) with the next highest/lowest (non-outlier) number.