Questions about correlations
Rank-based and other correlations (percentage bend) which are robust to non-Normal data
How do I correlate change in score with the score at baseline?
Can I do a correlation between two variables where one variable is less than or equal to the other?
How do I produce nonparametric Spearman partial correlations using SPSS?
What is Collinearity in multiple regression, and what do I do about it?
How do I test if a correlation is zero and obtain its confidence interval?
How do I estimate a pooled correlation using multiple scores from a set of subjects?
How do I adjust p-values to test if more than one correlation is zero?
How do I adjust a correlation for group differences (using partial and semi-partial correlations)?
What are polychoric correlations and how do I compute them and use in SPSS?
How do I compute consistency across subjects using an intraclass correlation?
A note on correcting for restriction of ranges which underestimate Pearson correlations