Confidence Intervals for comparing an individual's slope with a control group average slope
This SPSS macro outputs the percentage of controls that fall below a given individual's estimated slope (Crawford and Garthwaite, 2004).
Pairs of percentiles can be used to obtain endpoints of confidence intervals. For example the endpoints of a 95% CI correspond to percentiles which equal 0.025 and 0.975.
INPUT: the one sample t-test of slope of a single case versus control group (This is the variable tout outputted using the SPSS syntax at ), its degrees of freedom and the required percentile.
Desired inputs can be entered into the macro using the Data list statement below. Cutting and Pasting into a SPSS syntax window will run the program with results displayed in a new untitled spreadsheet.
DATA LIST free /tout df perc. BEGIN DATA. -8.895 12 0.975 -8.895 12 0.025 END DATA. define singcci ( !POS !TOKENS(1) / !POS !TOKENS(1) / !POS !TOKENS(1)). set errors=none. set formats f10.5. set mxloops=10000. compute #tv = -abs(!1). COMPUTE #lim = -2 . COMPUTE #CUMF1 = NCDF.T(#tv,!2,#LC1) . COMPUTE #ULIM = !3 . LOOP IF (#CUMF1 LT #ULIM) . + COMPUTE #lim = #LC1 . + COMPUTE #LC1 = #LC1 - #tv . + COMPUTE #CUMF1 = NCDF.T(#tv,!2,#LC1) . END LOOP . COMPUTE #CUMF2 = NCDF.T(#tv,!2,#lim) . COMPUTE #DIFF = 1 . LOOP IF (#DIFF GT .00005) . + DO IF (#CUMF2 LT #ULIM) . + COMPUTE #lim = (#lim - 0.010). + COMPUTE #CUMF2 = NCDF.T(#tv,!2,#lim) . + ELSE . + COMPUTE #lim = (#lim + 0.010) . + COMPUTE #CUMF2 = NCDF.T(#tv,!2,#lim) . + END IF . + COMPUTE #DIFF = ABS(#CUMF2 - #ULIM) . END LOOP . compute limit = cdfnorm(#lim/sqrt(!2+1))*100. EXECUTE . !ENDDEFINE. singcci tout df perc.