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Talks from 2024-2025 session


8th October - Fabio Rigat (AstraZeneca) on 'A conservative approach to leveraging external evidence for effective clinical trial design'.

4th November - Mihaela van der Schaar (Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine) on 'Time: The next frontier in causal machine learning'.

27th November - Peter Treasure (Peter Treasure Statistical Services Ltd) on 'Cancer: misfortune or carelessness?' A pdf file of slides from Peter's talk is here. A pdf map giving the location of City House is here.


3rd February - Lara Mani (Centre for the Study of Existential Risk) on 'Building global resilience to high-impact volcanic eruptions'.

3rd March - James Grime (Institute of Continuing Education) on 'Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine'.

10th April - Roger Sewell on 'Predicting recurrence of prostate cancer: a Bayesian approach'.