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Cambridge Statistics Discussion Group Home Page

Welcome to the home page of the Cambridge Statistics Discussion Group (CSDG).

The group is for anyone interested in any aspect of statistics. We have six meetings each session, starting in October and finishing the following May, held at venues around Cambridge. The meetings are open to all and organised by a committee of volunteers.

Refreshments are provided usually from 7-15pm with the talks usually starting at 7-45pm. Our talks last for around an hour with time afterwards for discussion and, as is traditional, a trip to a nearby hostelry. There is also a supper immediately before each talk (all welcome) at the University Centre in the centre of Cambridge. We usually meet in the downstairs bar at 6pm (although times may vary).

Each talk attender is asked to contribute a small subscription (currently £1) to cover group expenses which entitles them to attendance at all six talks in each session (October to May).

Contact Email: <peter.watson AT SPAMFREE mrc-cbu DOT cam.ac.uk>

